Results for 'A. E. Asira'

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  1.  23
    Nigerian traditional religion: A religion of tolerance.A. E. Asira - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (1).
  2.  18
    Religion and Medicine in the 21st Century Nigeria.S. A. Ekanem & A. E. Asira - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
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  3. Sefer Alef binah: divre musar ʻa. p. alfa beta: ṿe-hu ḥibur ḳadosh ṿe-nifla.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 1988 - Brooklyn, N.Y. (4812 13 Av., Brooklyn 11219): Yeshivat Ner Yitzchak.
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  4. Istoki Dao: drevnekitaĭskiĭ mif.A. E. Lukʹi︠a︡nov - 1992 - Moskva: "INSAN".
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  5. Symposium: Can an Effect Precede Its Cause?A. E. Dummett & A. Flew - 1954 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 28 (1):27 - 62.
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  6. The Classification of Greek Lyric Poetry.A. E. Harvey - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):157-.
    Many years ago Wilamowitz desiderated a systematic collection of the texts which relate to the different types of poetry composed by the great lyric poets of Greece. He hoped that if we could only crystallize our admittedly scanty information about the characteristics of, say, the Paean or the Dirge, we might be able to reach a slightly better understanding than we have now of the formal structure and artistic design of the poems and fragments which have come down to us (...)
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    Plutarch and Alexander.A. E. Wardman - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (1-2):96-.
    Modern scholars have been concerned with the hostility shown to Alexander by the Hellenistic schools of philosophy. Two literary portraits have been distinguished, the Peripatetic and the Stoic, the former deriving from Theophrastus' book on Callisthenes, or starting with this work the Peripatetics worked out a theory of and applied it to Alexander, in order to belittle his achievements. It was a case of giving sophisticated expression to the kind of crude resentment expressed by Demades.
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    On the Date of the Trial of Anaxagoras.A. E. Taylor - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (02):81-.
    It is a point of some interest to the historian of the social and intellectual development of Athens to determine, if possible, the exact dates between which the philosopher Anaxagoras made that city his home. As everyone knows, the tradition of the third and later centuries was not uniform. The dates from which the Alexandrian chronologists had to arrive at their results may be conveniently summed up under three headings, date of Anaxagoras' arrival at Athens, date of his prosecution and (...)
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  9.  3
    Current Philosophical Directions in Education in the Province of Ontario [microform] : the Influence of Outcomes-based Education & the Common Curriculum.Robert A. E. Myers - 1996 - National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada.
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    Homeric Epithets in Greek Lyric Poetry.A. E. Harvey - 1957 - Classical Quarterly 7 (3-4):206-.
    One of the ways in which a poet may show his quality is by discrimination and originality in his choice of adjectives. Poetry likes to adorn the bare noun; a noun such as ‘the sky’ calls out for an attribute. But in practice the poet has to take care to avoid the cliche. He can seldom write ‘the blue sky’; even ‘the azure sky’ has become trite. He has to search for the epithet which will be both apt and original.
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  11.  23
    The Thyestes of Varivs.A. E. Housman - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (01):42-.
    One day towards the end of the eighth century the scribe of cod. Paris. Lat. 7530, a miscellany to which we owe the carmen de figuris , began to copy out for us, on the 28th leaf of the MS, the Thyestes of Varius. He transcribed the title and the prefatory note, which run thus: INCIPIT THVESTA VARII. Lucius Varius cognomento Rufus Thyesten tragoediam magna cura absolutam post Actiacam uictoriam Augusti ludis eius in scaena edidit, pro qua fabula sestertium deciens (...)
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  12.  48
    Stoic and posidonian thought on the immortality of soul.A. E. Ju - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (1):112-.
  13.  18
    Clausulae in the Rhetorica ad Herennium as Evidence of its Date.A. E. Douglas - 1960 - Classical Quarterly 10 (1-2):65-.
    Believing that there is still something to be said about the early history of clausulae in Latin prose, I set myself to trace the practice of the early orators, then that of the Rhetorica ad Herennium, accepting its conventional dating to 86–82 B.C., and lastly that of Cicero in De Inventione, assuming it to be roughly contemporary with the ad Herennium, and in his early speeches. But clausula-study itself, besides shedding light on the methods of composition used by the still (...)
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  14.  44
    M. Calidius and the Atticists.A. E. Douglas - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):241-.
    The object of this paper is to question the established view that the orator M. Calidius was an Atticist. I propose to argue that the term ‘Atticist’ should be reserved for the coterie centring on Calvus, which attacked Cicero, and was attacked by him in Brutus and Orator, and that our evidence for the oratory of Calidius does not warrant the inference that he was in any way associated with, or a forerunner of, that coterie.
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  15. Ėtos nauki.L. P. Kii︠a︡shchenko & E. Z. Mirskai︠a︡ (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: Academia.
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  16. Projectionism, Realism, and Hume's Moral Sense Theory.A. E. Pitson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):61-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:61 PROJECTIONISM, REALISM, AND HUME'S MORAL SENSE THEORY* Introduction The character of Hume's moral theory is currently a topic of considerable discussion.1 We find in the recent literature essentially two sorts of interpretation of Hume's theory. On the one side there is the view that, for Hume, the distinction between virtue and vice is reducible to the moral sentiments of approval and disapproval. Associated with this view is the (...)
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    (1 other version)Hume on Primary and Secondary Qualities.A. E. Pitson - 1982 - Hume Studies 8 (2):125-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:125. HUME ON PRIMARY AND SECONDARY QUALITIES Hume's view of the primary/secondary quality distinction is, I believe, a matter of considerable interest. It bears upon Hume's position in relation to Locke and Berkeley, and has important implications for general features of his epistemology and metaphysics. The central part of my discussion will therefore be taken up with a consideration of those passages from his writings in which Hume refers (...)
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  18.  13
    “Once a Scientist…”: Disciplinary Approaches and Intellectual Dexterity in Educational Development.K. Kearns, M. Hatcher, M. Bollard, M. DiPietro, D. Donohue‐Bergeler, L. E. Drane, E. Luoma, A. E. Phuong, L. Thain & M. Wright - 2018 - To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development 37 (1):128-141.
    The authors claim that disciplinary epistemologies—disciplinary habits of mind and ways of thinking—offer productive lenses for observing teaching practices. Furthermore, they argue that educational developers who draw from multiple epistemologies in combination provide rich evidence with regard to teaching and learning and can speak to academic colleagues from an array of disciplines. Clarity is provided for career paths in educational development for colleagues from academic disciplines who are contemplating part‐ or full‐time work in a teaching center. The authors hope that (...)
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  19.  41
    Notes on Martial.A. E. Housman - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (02):68-.
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    Vester = Tvvs.A. E. Housman - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (04):244-.
    ‘uester, de uno, per indignationem’ says Achilles Statius at the first of these two places, and again ‘uester, de uno’ at the second. Muretus on the other hand explains ‘uestrae saeuitiae, ferocitatis illius, uobis omnibus, qui formosi estis, innatae.’ Most commentators have taken part with Muretus, and deny that uester in these two passages means tuus; nor is the usage recognised in the lexicons. But when it comes to explaining what, if not tuus, uester does mean, the interpreters are not (...)
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  21.  23
    Catvllvs LXIV 324.A. E. Housman - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (04):229-.
    It neither is nor need be doubted that tutamen opis, preserved like many another true lection in the margin of G and R, is what Catullus wrote. The tutū opus which OGR present in their texts is a simple error arising from the abbreviation of tamen as S0009838800022916_inline1. But the verse still fails to satisfy and is universally esteemed corrupt. The description of Peleus as dear exceedingly to his yet unborn and unbegotten son is so absurd a form of address (...)
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  22.  29
    Notes on Seneca's Tragedies.A. E. Housman - 1923 - Classical Quarterly 17 (3-4):163-.
    These minute annotations, put together for a paper read to the Cambridge Philological Society on February 15, are mostly taken from jottings which I made some thirty years ago in the margin of Leo's edition. There they would have stayed, but for the appearance in 1918 of the Illinois index uerborum compiled by Messrs Oidfather, Pease, and Canter, which is not merely what its title promises, but also aims at recording the conjectures of the present century, and has enabled me (...)
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  23.  26
    (1 other version)Notes on the Thebais of Stativs.A. E. Housman - 1933 - Classical Quarterly 27 (02):65-.
    I have not read the Thebais more than three times, nor ever with intent care and interest; and although in putting these notes together I have consulted a large number of editions—Bernartius, Tiliobroga, Geuartius, Cruceus, Gronouius, Barthius, Veenhusen, Beraldus , ed. Bipontina, Lemaire , Queck, O. Mueller , Kohlmann, Wilkins, Garrod, Klotz, and the translations of Marolles, Nisard, and Mozley —it may well be that profitable matter has escaped me and that some of my comments have been made before.
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  24.  38
    Ovidiana.A. E. Housman - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (03):130-.
    This is the way to say in Latin ‘you see my face, though you cannot see the rest of me’. So her. X 53 ‘tua, quae possum, pro te uestigia tango’, 135 ‘non oculis sed, qua potes, aspice mente’, art. III 633 ‘corpora si nequeunt, quae possunt, nomina tangunt’, trist. IV 2 57 ‘haec ego summotus, qua possum,. mente uidebo’, 3 17 sq. ‘esse tui memorem… quodque potest, secum nomen habere tuum’, 10 112 ‘tristia, quo possum, carmine fata leuo’, ex (...)
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  25. Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877).A. E. Heath - 1917 - The Monist 27 (1):1-21.
  26. Volume 42 (Summer 2003-Spring 2004).A. E. Chuchin-Rusov - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 42 (2):89-99.
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  27.  20
    Twistors, symplectic structure and Lagrange's identity.M. Crampin & F. A. E. Pirani - 1971 - In Charles Goethe Kuper & Asher Peres, Relativity and gravitation. New York,: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. pp. 105.
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  28.  7
    Disease and the man.F. A. E. Crew - 1930 - The Eugenics Review 22 (2):133.
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  29.  35
    Dorothevs of Sidon.A. E. Housman - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (01):47-.
    The 86 verses of Dorotheus printed at the end of Koechly's Manetho, 33 of which had already been published by Salmasius in his exercitationes Plinianae or his diatribae de annis climactericis, were edited by Iriarte from a scrap of manuscript at Madrid, into which they had been copied, as we now know, from the first book of the astrological treatise of Hephaestion of Thebes, who took Dorotheus for his chief authority. To these 86 verses nearly 300 more, by far the (...)
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  30.  37
    Manilivs, Avgvstvs, Tiberivs, Capricornvs, And Libra.A. E. Housman - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (02):109-.
    ‘The date of the poem has been canvassed with merciless prolixity for the last four-and-twenty years, but the pertinent facts are few.’ So I wrote in 1903 on p. lxix of my edition of the first book of Manilius; and in two octavo pages and a half I collected all those facts, said all that I could find to say on both sides of the questions in dispute, and drew the conclusion that books I and II were written under Augustus (...)
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  31.  28
    Notes on Persivs.A. E. Housman - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (01):12-.
    ‘ If Rome, addlepate that she is, misprises a thing, let that be no concern of yours. For at Rome every living soul—ah, would that I might utter it! But utter it I surely may, when I consider what dismal old squaretoes we are from the day when we are boys no more. Then, then—forgive me —but I do burst out laughing.’ Down to the middle of u. n my text and punctuation are those of most editors, and I shall (...)
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  32.  31
    The Codex Lipsiensis of Manilivs.A. E. Housman - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):175-.
    Professor J. van Wageningen has sent me a review of my fourth volume of Manilius which he has published in Museum vol. 28 pp. 173–7. I never contradict the taradiddles usual in reviews, because, if the reader thinks it worth his while, he can find out for himself whether they are true or no, and if he chooses to believe them without enquiry, it serves him right. But when he is fed with false information about a MS which is out (...)
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  33.  51
    The Rape of The Sabines.A. E. Wardman - 1965 - Classical Quarterly 15 (01):101-.
    According to the Ars Amatoria the notorious rape took place on the occasion of a primitive dramatic entertainment staged in a theatre, in which the seats and furnishings were also primitive. There is no time for a description of the arts of the performers—a tibicen and a ludius—before the Romans, impatient for action, receive their signal from Romulus. Nor is there any mention of a god in whose honour the entertainment had been provided.
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  34.  59
    The Notion of Intelligibility in Scientific Thought.A. E. Heath - 1927 - The Monist 37 (2):199-206.
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  35.  71
    The Principle of Parsimony and Ethical Neutrality.A. E. Heath - 1919 - The Monist 29 (3):448-450.
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  36.  16
    Carm. Bvcol. Einsidl. II 34.A. E. Housman - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (01):47-.
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  37.  42
    Dorothevs again, and Others.A. E. Housman - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (04):249-.
    The poetical remains of Dorotheus, on which I made some comments in the Classical Quarterly vol. ii pp. 47–61, have received from the cod. Vat. Graec. 1056 an increase of ten verses, published by Mr J. Heeg in catal. cod. astrol. Graec. vol. v part iii p. 125 and also in Hermes vol. xlv pp. 316–8.
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  38.  24
    Ovid Ibis 512 and Tristia III 6 8.A. E. Housman - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (01):31-.
    Ib. 511 sq.lapsuramque domum subeas, ut sanguis Aleuae,Stella Leoprepidae cum fuit aequa uiro.
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  39.  16
    On the Aetia of Callimachvs.A. E. Housman - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (02):114-.
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  40.  17
    Socrates and the Myths.A. E. Taylor - 1933 - Classical Quarterly 27 (3-4):158-.
  41. (1 other version)VI Vserossiĭskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Filosofii Vostochno-Aziatskogo regiona i sovremennai︠a︡ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡" (Moskva, 25-26 mai︠a︡ 2000 g.).M. L. Titarenko, A. E. Lukʹi︠a︡nov & V. F. Feoktistov (eds.) - 2000 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t Dalʹnego Vostoka, T︠S︡entr nauch. informat︠s︡ii i dokumentat︠s︠ii.
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  42.  18
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]G. A. E. Parfitt - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):95-96.
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    Cicero, in Pisonem- R. G. M. Nisbet: Cicero: In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio. Pp. xxxii+208. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. Cloth, 30 s. net. [REVIEW]A. E. Douglas - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (03):216-218.
  44.  87
    Philosophia Togata? Miriam Griffin, Jonathan Barnes (edd.): Philosophia Togata: Essays on Philosophy and Roman Society. Pp. vi + 302. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1989. [REVIEW]A. E. Douglas - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):321-322.
  45.  98
    Of Liberty and Necessity. [REVIEW]A. E. Pitson - 2006 - Hume Studies 32 (1):187-191.
  46. A G McKoon, Gail, 500 Merikle, Philip M., 525 Andrade, Jackie, 562 Goshen-Gottstein, Yonatan, Mori, Monica, 91 117 Graf, Peter, 91 B P. [REVIEW]Anthony G. Greenwald, Bernard J. Baars, John R. Pani, Mahzarin R. Banaji, J. Passchier, William P. Banks, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, A. E. Bonebakker, Timothy L. Hubbard & Roger Ratcliff - 1996 - Consciousness and Cognition 5:606.
  47.  6
    Professionalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika: moralʹnai︠a︡ propedevtika delovogo povedenii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.E. S. Protanskai︠a︡ - 2003 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  48. FULLER, B. A. E. -The Problem of Evil in Plotinus. [REVIEW]A. E. Taylor - 1913 - Mind 22:403.
  49. A Note on the Farmer's Law. Chapter 67'.A. E. Laiou - 1971 - Byzantion 41:197-204.
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  50.  33
    A Mathematician Explains.A. E. Landry - 1936 - New Scholasticism 10 (4):393-394.
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